First Aid Kits
A first aid kit is a collection of medical supplies and equipment for treating injuries. It should include a first aid manual and be stored in a safe place where it is easy to find but out of the reach of children. It should be checked regularly to ensure that all the flashlight batteries work and that expired medications have been replaced. First aid training is important for all adults and children. Classes are available through the American Red Cross.
Most household first aid kits consist of basic items that can be used to treat common injuries, such as wounds and minor burns. A kit should include bandages in various sizes, gauze and low-grade disinfectant; antiseptic wipes or spray; a thermometer; tweezers, cotton balls, and disposable nonlatex gloves.
How to Build a Custom First Aid Kit for Your Needs
More comprehensive kits are available for use on outdoor trips or in the car, which may contain items like a tetanus shot, a first-aid book and instructions, a splint, and a whistle. Medications and personal medicines, such as the self-injectable epinephrine for allergic reactions, are also often included in portable first aid kits.
Specialized first-aid kits are often available for specific regions, vehicles or activities. For example, first-aid kits for watercraft or travel usually contain seasickness remedies, while those for military, combat or other hazardous activities may include hemostatic agents to promote blood clotting. Kits may be decorated with the internationally recognized safety green and white cross of the Red Cross, or marked as “event first aid” for use by emergency services professionals.